Name Change Attorney
New York State

Easy, Fast, Affordable

25 Years of Experience

A person’s name is important because it is an integral part of self image and ancestry. Any New Yorker, may assume a different name, so long as it is not done to avoid financial obligations or to perpetrate a fraud. You can change your name through a legal name change process that allows you to obtain a court order granting the name change. You will need to be a legal resident of New York State to file a name change petition in New York. Once the order is issued you may change your name on important documents, including your birth certificate, if your birth state allows it.

Start Your Name Change
Name Change Lawyer Buffalo NY
  • They do not like the name they were given at birth.
  • Their given name is strange or difficult to spell
  • They want their name changed to reflect their new gender.
  • To restore a surname that had been changed in the past.
  • Correcting Birth Certificates to match the name you have been using for years.
  • Married couple that wants to have an entirely new or combined surname.
  • Because you want to have a celebrity name.
  • To prevent racial discrimination.
  • To prevent being wrongly associated with a criminal or evil person.
  • Just because they feel like it.
Start Your Name Change

So long as you have reached the age of eighteen (18) you are considered an adult for name change purposes. The process to change an adult's name in New York is as follows: First, a petition is filed with the Court requesting the name change. The petition must contain specific information for the Judge to approve the change. Second, if the court approves the change an Order will be issued to effect the change. Third, obtain a new birth certificate from vital records (if allowed by birth state). Fourth, use a certified copy of your order to change your name on all official documents. see my blog post for more information about changing your NY documentation.

Start Adult Name Change

When a parent wishes to change the name of a minor child (infant name change) under age 18, the application for a name change must be brought by one or both of the minor’s parents. If the minor has two living parents and one parent does not join in the application, the non-petitioner parent must be served with reasonable notice of the application. If the non-petitioning parent objects to the child's name change, a hearing will be held to determine whether the change of the child's name is in the best interest of the child.

The process to change a minor's name in New York is as follows: First, a petition is filed by the parents with the Court requesting the name change. The petition must contain specific information for the Judge to approve the change. Second, if the court approves the change an Order will be issued to effect the change. Third, obtain a new birth certificate from vital records (if allowed by birth state). Fourth, use a certified copy of your order to change your name on all official documents. see my blog post for more information about changing your NY documentation.

Start Child Name Change

Pursuant to the Gender Recognition Act, New Yorkers may now change their gender in the same manner that name changes are processed whether adult or child. Once the order is issued for gender change, any transgender or non-binary individual can change their gender marker on legal documents such as their driver's license, passport, and birth certificate. In the past, an individual had to provide a letter from a licensed healthcare provider confirming that they have undergone appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition. see my blog post for more information about changing your NY documentation.

Start Gender Change

Adult Name Change

Change Name and/or Gender (18 years old or older)


Filing Fees & Costs ($300)

  • Free Consultation with Attorney Underwood to answer your questions about the name change process.
  • Free phone calls and emails with Attorney Underwood to answer additional questions (including how to change your name on important documents.)
  • Court record sealed for personal safety (if your safety is at risk).
  • All Name Change documents are prepared by Attorney Underwood.
  • Filing of Your Name Change with the Court.
  • Final Order with two(2) Certified Copies.
  • Provide Information and Forms to change name on Identity Documents (Birth Certificate, Driver's License, and Passport).
  • Entire process done through email and US Mail.

Child Name Change

Change Name and/or Gender (17 years old or younger, both parents consent)


Filing Fees & Costs ($300)

  • Free Consultation with Attorney Underwood to answer both parents questions about the name change process.
  • Free phone calls and emails with Attorney Underwood to answer additional questions the parents may have (including how to change your child's name on important documents.)
  • Court record sealed for personal safety (if your child's safety is at risk).
  • All Name Change documents are prepared by Attorney Underwood.
  • Filing of Your Name Change with the Court.
  • Final Order with two(2) Certified Copies.
  • Provide Information and Forms to change child's name on Identity Documents (Birth Certificate, Driver's License, and Passport).
  • Entire process done through email and US Mail.